
I studied and obtained my Doula Qualification through The Doula Training Acadamy Australia and throughout my studies I was able to complete and recieve my Breastfeeding Certificate through Materntal Instincts by Amberley and my Hypnobirthing Certificate.

What is a Doula?

A doula is a trained, non-medical companion who assists a woman before, during and after childbirth. A doula provides support and advocacy, mediating between the woman and her maternity-care providers. Doulas also serve as advocates and a 'voice' for the mother if she feels she needs it.

Doulas don’t replace a woman’s partner, if she has one, during labour and birth. They work with a woman’s partner to help her have the best birth experience she can.

Doulas are able to provide emotional and physical support to women or birthing persons during pregnancy, labour, birth, and postpartum.

A doula can support a birthing person in many ways to help understand and cope with the pain of birth, including: education, emotional support, comfort, courage, reassurance, advocacy, communication & guidance.


The preparation to birth is so important and the role of a doula in preparation is to help educate, support and guide you to enter the labour and birth space feeling 'ready'.

Prices starting from $350

Labour & Birth

Labour and birth is not only physically hard but it is also emotionally hard.

You're in a vulnerable position and in some cases, you can be bullied into decisions you may not fully want.

A doula can help guide you and be a voice to help advocate for the birth you desire and lessen the chance of birth trauma.

Prices starting from $650


You educated yourself on pregnancy, labour and birth but did you educate yourself on what to expect post-partum? Do you have help, or resources available for when you feel mentally drained?

A doula is there to help you on all the changes you've gone through/ you're about to go through.

Prices Starting from $200

Want to work with me?

If you think you would benefit from a Doula, I would love to chat!

I'm offering a free 20 minute consultation, whether that be face to face or zoom to ensure our visions align and you feel comfortable hiring me to be by your side on this crazy life changing adventure.